Feb 17, 2025
NNMC Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 Catalog
Course Descriptions
- Freshman courses are numbered 1100-1199; sophomore courses numbered 2200-2299; junior courses numbered 3300-3399; senior courses numbered 4400-4499, and graduate courses numbered 5500-5599. Lower-division topic courses are number 1147 and 1247; upper-division topic courses are numbered 3399 and 4499.
- Courses labeled with an “N” immediately after the course number are considered to be remedial in nature and will not be accepted to fill the requirements for any degree at Northern. Remedial courses will normally not transfer to other colleges.
- Courses designated with WIC are Writing Intensive Courses required for a bachelor’s degree. See Northern’s General Education Common Core Offerings for more information.
- No course with a grade of less than a C- or CR (as appropriate) will be accepted for graduation.
- Any course which is designated as a Prerequisite to another course must be passed with at least a grade of C- or CR (as appropriate) in order to proceed to the next level course.
- Immediately after the course description appears an entry inside parentheses. This number is read in two parts. For example, (3, 1T+2S) is read as: course value = 3 credits; 1 credit of theory, 2 credits of activity/shop/studio. If the course were a laboratory, it might read (1, 0T+1L). Each credit of theory (T) requires the equivalent per week of 50 minutes of instructional time; each credit of shop/activity (S) requires 100 minutes per week; and each credit of laboratory (L) requires 150 minutes per week. Therefore, an entry of 3, 1T+2S would be scheduled to meet a total of 250 minutes per week of instructional time. These calculations refer to a course offered over a full sixteen-week semester. The amount of time per week for a course offered over a shorter period of time is increased to meet the required time in a shorter period.
- Courses listed in this catalog are subject to change or deletion through normal academic channels. New courses and changes in existing course work are initiated by the responsible department chairperson, approved by the faculty curriculum committee, the faculty senate, and the Provost. [Strikethrough text indicates that a course is no longer offered.