Mar 29, 2025
NNMC Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 Catalog
Early Childhood Education, AA
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The Early Childhood Education (ECED) program is a stackable AA to BA program. The program includes sixty (60) credits of coursework earned as part of the Associates of Arts in Early Childhood Education and an additional 60 credits that lead to a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education and Licensure in Early Childhood Education-Pre K- Grade 3. The program’s coursework is focused on the social and developmental needs of young students ranging from age three to third grade.
The competency-based program is aligned to the New Mexico’s Early Childhood Education & Development Articulation Catalog of Courses and Programs (2020). The program provides a seamless transition to Northern New Mexico College’s Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education.
Area I. Communications (6 CR)
Choose one of the following courses:
Area II. Mathematics (3 CR)
Choose one of the following courses: Area III. Laboratory Sciences (4 CR)
Select one science course with a lab. Area IV. Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 CR)
Select one course from Area IV Area V. Humanities (3 CR)
Select one course from Area V Area VI. Fine Arts (3 CR)
Select one course from Area VI Additional Nine Credit Hours (9 CR)
Choose one of the following Civics Courses:
Choose one of the following Literature Courses
Early Childhood Education Foundational Courses (29 CR)
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