NNMC Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 Catalog
Biology, AS
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The associate of science in biology program prepares you to pursue a baccalaureate degree in biology for cell and molecular, ecology and evolution, and pre-professional medical studies. While some positions are open to holders of the associate degree, most of the opportunities exist at the bachelor, master, and doctoral levels.
General Education (31 CR)
Courses listed under each area are specific requirements for the AS in Biology that also fulfill the requirements for General Education. See Northern’s General Education Offerings for additional courses to meet the required credits in each area. Area I. Communications (6 CR)
Area II. Mathematics (3 CR)
Area III. Laboratory Sciences (4 CR)
Area IV. Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 CR)
Area V. Humanities (3 CR)
Area VI. Fine Arts (3 CR)
Additional Nine Credit Hours (9 CR)
Choose one of the Following Civics Courses (3 CR):
Program Requirements (29 CR)
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